Wednesday, 21 March 2007

Playstation 3

As with most game consoles (apart from Sega Megadrive and now Nintendo Wii =P) i am not interested in this product much at all. I have a playstation 2 and would much prefer to have a nintendo wii and im sure if a Wii 2 came out i would much prefer an old Wii =P
I have not myself played on one, and if i do i will probably like it. but at this moment i would much prefer to play on my Playstation 2.
I do not think that the PS3 will be as good seller as the Nintendo Wii or the PS2 for this matter, mainly due to it very large price. Yes it may be good in the future due to it's ability to play HD DVD's but for now i o not think it will be as popular as the PS2 was.

Playstation 3 characteristics

Price Comparison:
PlayStation 3:599 euros (£425) for the 60GB version
Xbox 360: 415 euros (£279.99) for the 20GB version, £199.99 for the Xbox core system (no hard drive)
Nintendo Wii: 249 euros (£179)

Some of it's characteristics basically resemble a mini-computer or laptops features. It has a harddrive of 20GB or 60GB with Wi-Fi availiable only on 60GB. USB ports and Media Readers are also on this console.


Not all PS2 games will work on a PS3 which will be very annoying for gamers but PS have provided a list of games that WILL work.

'In order to play the older games, PlayStation 3 owners will have to update the console's system software, called firmware, either online or via a disk.'
It can play the newest form of DVD, High Definition(HD).

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