Sunday 4 February 2007

iPod and iTunes

Ipods have become a huge hit compared to Walkmans and MP3 players. 'Apple have sold over 70 million iPod music players.' (BBC)
Even though much more highly priced than many other iPod like MP3 players, iPods have proved to be a huge hit. When i purchased my iPod the reason i chose it was because:
  • I could use it directly with iTunes
  • I brought a nano which was made from a highly strong metal and i am prone to breaking MP3 players.
  • It looked stylish
  • Most people i knew had one and from trying theres i thought that iPods were a good MP3 player.
  • Easy to use
  • And there were alot of cases and accessories to make it look better and also to protect it compared to other MP3 players around at that time.
I also thought it was reasonably priced for how many GB its had.
There were rumours that the battery basically is knackered after a year when the warranty runs out, whcih did make me consider if to get one or not, but a battery always being recharged in an iPod or for this matter any other MP3 is going to break sometime, and therefore when my battery started to act a little weird i sent it back and got a complete new iPod with no difficulty.

Also, recently iPod fans have helped make Apple iTunes one of the top ten music sellers in the US.

'Apple has reported a 78% surge in profits for the three months to 30 December, boosted by strong Christmas sales of its iPod digital music player.'

Apple sold 1.6 million computers and more than 21 million iPods during the quarter, growth of 28% and 50% respectively from a year earlier.'

Apple's stock increased 16% last year after more than doubling in 2005, and tripling in 2004.'

This information proves that alot of Apple software sales have boosted since iPods have been released.
I had not heard about the make Apple until iPods were released so in my opinion, iPods have been the biggest thing that has helpedto boost Apple and it's products.

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